Change and History

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Friday 14 November 2008

Fwd: BERND MEERKAMP Not mentally ill, Global silent epidemic.For Dr Fabienne Dupin, and Head of Department of Epsan Psychiatry Hospital mr H Brunner

Date: 2008/11/14
Subject: BERND MEERKAMP Not mentally ill, Global silent epidemic.For Dr Fabienne Dupin, and Head of Department of Epsan Psychiatry Hospital mr H Brunner To: ,

Investigate this silent epidemic objectively in an  attempt to  capture the nature of it in a way that does not depend on any assumptions, prejudices, or values, Objectivity  should not be mixed up with scientific consensus: Scientist may agree at one point in time but later discover that this consensus represented a subjective point of view.


Rapports of Ti's , targets of mind control or  electronic harassment mainly include following 3 things, no matter where a representative sample is taken around the globe, several surveys from different parts of the world confirm this results.

A -Most ti's rapport physical and mental symptoms they experience from the moment they consciously experience the technology starts to affect them.

B  -Most ti's rapport interception of mail, interception and alteration of telecommunications, telephone and internet communications and dysfunctions of all kind of electronic devices and cars electronic to start simultaneously.

C  -Most ti's experience "Organized stalking, which they explain in a few possible ways", and that in most cases starts earlier than the typical symptoms and physical sensations named electronic harassment". 

Those tree things (nearly) always go together without that the people know each other from all around the world, and the number of new people reporting this started to increase in 2000 exponentially till the present. This should at least raise the question how the complaints can be unrelated.  Correlation is not causation but it sure is a hint. to be alerted for a in this case a mutual cause and these people are no where monitored officially, so remain "invisible" in any kind of statistics. 


Observers have no idea of the scale of this , don't recognize the rapports  address a different part of the same issue , and keep ignoring the increasing amount of complaints, as individual cases,  imagination, absurd conspiracy theories, superstition, or some or mental illness. 

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Ben in 2005 "overvallen" door mindcontroltechnologie, meer algemeen noem ik het nu Artificiele Intellentie, actief wereldwijd met netwerken hierover, en het in kaart brengen van de problematiek als samenhangend geheel. Hoop dat spoedig dit erstige aandacht (die het verdient) krijgt als zowat het belangrijkste etische vraagstuk voor de mensheid en toekomst.